Dropping Knowledge, Mankind's College

Dropping knowledge, mankind's college
sends a sign and grows the rain
more than hundred rainbow feathers;
'round a table wisdom gathers,
answers, wisdom, thought remain.

Dropping knowledge, dropping knowledge
growing rain is mankind's college
catch some drops
and fill a source
then feel the force
then feel the force.

Dropping knowledge, dropping knowledge
growing rain is mankind's college
open the source
and fill a stream
then sip a dream
then sip a dream.

Dropping knowledge, dropping knowledge
growing rain is mankind's college
guide the stream
towards the sea
then swim with me
then swim with me.

Dropping knowledge, dropping knowledge
growing rain is mankind's college

free the brain
and boost the mind
nurse them both
then sense your growth.

Dropping knowledge, mankind's college
sends a sign and grows the rain
more than hundred rainbow feathers;
'round a table wisdom gathers,
answers, wisdom, thought remain.

Hans Uszkoreit 2004




